Abracadabra and life appears.

A pancreas, a heart, the mind-body connection.

One of civilization's deepest curses is to stop feeling the magic that we are.

What is Science and Technology and Medicine, if not Magic and Mystery and Curiosity?

But Magic holds the power of Life as well as Death. Yesterday's solutions are today's prob- lems.

Telecommunications, industrialization, pharma- ceuticals. We live through what we hold in the palm of our hands.

But something is not quite right.
Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Mental Problems are great reminders of this.
And ehese syndemics won't disappear by a Magic Trick.

Our system is very good at covering the symp- toms to make us believe that more of the same will eventually heal us.

That is why Medicine is reinventing itself by crossing a Rite of Passage that returns us to the most primordial:

A good night's sleep. The crunch of a carrot. Raising our arms to the sky while pushing weights to strengthen the MindBody. Some levitate while meditating, others while embracing their loved ones or leaving behind a lifelong addiction.

We awaken when we integrate trauma and re-color our PastFuture.


How are we going to recalibrate our Lifestyle? That of our patients?
How much alchemy can we expect from our community and planet?

We will always demarcate the difference between Science and what has not yet been proven through this precious methodology.

But our greatest goal is to recognize and cele- brate the Magic that already exists in Science and create new magic for the Health Profes- sions.

We are Sorcerer's Apprentices, but we must not fall asleep.

Awake, we move together the Lifestyle of our time.

All futures are contained in this present moment.


21, 22 and 23 oCTOBER 2024

Public Project Prim CDMX